Graphic Design Exercises for 7th and 8th Graders
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Try to become a millionaire! You will need to read the information given to you. Then, draw a conclusion or make an inference about the passage.

The questions cover basic antonyms and synonyms for 1st-5th graders. Answers are all ONE WORD responses.

Infering means to take what you know and make a guess. Read the following situations and pick which answer you could infer.

Read the paragraphs and choose the best main idea. The main idea is the most important thing about a story. Think about what is happening and gather information (who, where, when, what, why). *Some taken from "100 Listening Primary."

Homographs are words with more than one definition. Guess which homograph is being described. Example: something used with a hammer OR part of your finger or toe. Answer: nail.

Test your knowledge of Christmas songs, vocabulary, December holidays, decorating, and the night before Christmas in this challenging game!

Select the right pronoun to complete this sentence. Say it out loud to yourself or another person!

initial /r/, post-vocalic /r/, and /r/ blends articulation

Animal, Clothes, Colors, Food, and Body Idioms jeopardy game with sentence/context cues. Please try to write in complete phrases.

Play this game to learn about antonyms, synonyms, multiple meaning words, categories, and analogies.

Choose best explaination of idiom's meaning.

Work to sink your opponent's ships by answering questions about the main ideas of a passage.

Answer questions about: Synonyms, Antonyms, Categories, Multiple Meaning Words, & Analogies

Guess the /r/ words given some clues. Remember all of the answers have an /r/ sound in them.

Find the synonym for each word. Good luck!

Read the paragraph and answer the questions. Be careful to answer the "WH" question asked.

Find the words that fits best with the word that pops up! Synonyms are fun to use when you talk and write! Have fun!

These words will expand your vocabulary and help you in school

Match the problem to the solution.

Medial vocalic R practice and language building exercises all in one

Pick the best solution to the following problems.

You will be given a word. See if you can figure out all the meanings of that word. Be careful! This one takes practice. This quiz contains 10 questions chosen from a bank of 20.

Read the description of an item in a category and write it in! A "Jeopardy" type game to help improve the ability to recall of common words for one or two players. There are 20 questions in 14 categories for a new game each time. Categories...

Play the game and see if you can figure out which word is being described by the two definitions given to you!

Students answer questions with words containing the /s/ sound in all positions.

Multiple Meaning Words

Issues with changing the subject of a conversation.....1. Going on tangents 2. innappropriate changes 3. body language 4. eye contact etc.

See if you can identify what all the terms of Christmas mean.

Complete these sentences with irregular past tense verbs. Suitable for primary grades and ESL students.

speech therapy /th/ practice in all word positions.

Guess the winter words.

Answer the following questions about using good social skills at school and with our friends.

Use your good "l" sound as you say each target speech word.

Activity for r, r blends, s,z, l, l blends

Answer the question with a r or r blend word (initial position).

Read the information and determine what to believe (fact) and what is really just an opinion.

When read a paragraph the student will infer or make a guess.

Say each word, phrase, and sentence.
Then, press "FIRE!!!"
Be sure to use your best "th" sound!!

Synonyms, Antonyms, Categories, Analogies, Words with Multiple Meanings are categories for this language task.

Use your good "r" sound as you say each target speech word.

All of the hidden words here contain the /th/ sound at the end. Good luck!

Say each word, phrase, and sentence.
Then, press "FIRE!!!"

Test your knowledge of holidays, colors, shapes, clothing and farm animals.

A synonym is a word that means almost the same thing as another word. Find the two words that are almost the same.

Figure out the /ler/ words using /l/ to ER to facilitate a good vocalic ER

21 common idioms
Use after Concentration B2

Choose the correct letter that tells what each idiom means in each sentence.

Match these vocalic /r/ words.

Match these "th" words.

Answer these question about these "R" phrases to become a millionare.

Match the words starting with various /S/ BLENDS. Be sure to remember your good /S/ sound to start!

Figure out why the first pair of words go together so that you can finish the second word pair. For example, "Cat is to MEOW as dog is to ______.(bark)

Read the 3 items and decide on what category they belong to. All answers are just one word. This activity is appropriate to use during speech/language therapy focusing on expressive language and vocabulary. Have fun!!!

Read the list of 4 words and determine which of them doesn't belong. As a supplemental part, you may also require the students to explain why the word doesn't belong.

Simple antonyms and synonyms and a mixed category.

Match these /s/ words.

These open-ended statements help to build associations and form connections! This cause and effect game is not only educational, but fun as well!

Use /r/ words to answer questions. Practice you best articulation skills

Answer these questions about comprehension, fact/opinion, vocabulary, etc. to see how much you are understanding when reading or listening. See if you can become a millionaire. There are numerous questions which allows for many different times to...

Initial, medial, final /r/ and /r/blends pop up activity created by my fourth graders.

An articulation challenge for people working on the "s" sound plus one other consonant. Answers cover word initial "s" blends with a variety of vowels sounds in each category.

Categorize words by shape, color, place, action

Identify the correct past tense of the given verb.

Match these s-blend words.

Match these initial /r/ words

Say each word, phrase, and sentence.
Then, press "FIRE!!!"

Play this game to learn about antonyms, synonyms, multiple meaning words, categories, and analogies.

Have fun finding words that are opposites! That means they are NOT alike.

Students practice words containing "OR" for vocalic R production

Hangman - 71 Vocabulary words heard around Thanksgiving that contain the / r / sound
For more activities:

Hangman game for the "s" sound in all positions of words.

Match these "sh" words.

Have a ball while learning Idioms, and their meaning!!
Match the idiom to its meaning.

Identify these synonyms.

Read the short description. See if you can infer an implied or hidden message in each of the following selections. Choose the best answer.

Here are your "words to know". See if you remember what they mean and answer the questions about them.

Say each word, phrase, and sentence.
Then, press "FIRE!!!"
Be sure to use your best /s/ sound!!

The singular form is provided. You must change it to the plural form.

EAR sounds in all positions of words

Try your hand at finding words that have /r/ in them.

vocabulary definitions, synonyms, atonyms

Choose best explaination of idiom's meaning.

Try to unscramble these words which you may hear around Christmas!

Antonyms at middle school/high school level.

Type the correst irregular plural noun for the singular noun given.

Find the antonyms.

Graphic Design Exercises for 7th and 8th Graders
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