Did You Know You Can Make Napalm


Dean Pelton announces that as function of a national tour of community colleges, Vice President Joe Biden will exist visiting Greendale Community College, and will be greeted by the dean and the president of the student council. There'due south only one problem: Greendale has no student council.

Not to exist undone, the dean announces that over the next vii hours Greendale will be property elections for student president. Naturally, Annie announces her candidacy in a flurry of idealistic over-eagerness; annoyed, Jeff too decides to run, and his style-over-substance entrada ensures that heads will be butted before long.

Meanwhile, Troy and Abed cover the proceedings for the school television channel — and Abed finds himself fatigued to Special Agent Vohlers of the Secret Service.

The Community episode "Intro to Political Science" provides examples of:

  • '80s Pilus: In a video gear up in 1993, simply nevertheless, it'south there.
  • Absentee Actor: Ken Jeong (Chang) does not appear in this episode.
  • Actor Allusion: Ane of Troy'southward comments about Starburns is that he "seems Greek." Starburns' player, Dino Stamatopoulos, is Greek-American.
    • And Jeff'south campaign fails when the schoolhouse sees his Real World: Seattle audition tape from 1997. Joel McHale, who portrays Jeff, grew upwardly in Greater Seattle.
  • All Elections Are Serious Business organization: Both Annie and Jeff suffer this.
    • Annie believes she is entitled to win and is willing to destroy a friendship if it means she doesn't lose.
    • Jeff is unwilling to help Annie because he would rather be proven right about his cynical political views than pitch in to assist a friend.
    • Though somewhat subverted as even though Annie and Jeff take the election deathly serious, the rest of the school doesn't give a shit about it. The election ends upwards getting xi votes full and Due south Park (yes, the cartoon) ends upwardly winning with seven of those votes, causing Dean Pelton to remember that this was why they abolished student government in the outset identify and to do so again.
  • Ambiguous Disorder: 1 of the things that helps a bond develop betwixt them is that Special Amanuensis Vohlers appears to have the aforementioned not-specified disorder as Abed.

    Vohlers: Mind if I ask yous a few questions, Mr. Nadir? Is there a specific reason you had to repeat the first grade?
    Abed: Well, from what I've been told I didn't know how to use pair of scissors, I sat in the center of the see-saw, and I always plant the distinction between duck and goose to be very capricious.
    Vohlers: Couldn't you just selection the 6th kid every time? That'southward what I ... would have done.

  • Appetite Is Evil: Annie'south ambitions in running for student government are chivalrous in and of themselves. Merely she considers herself entitled to win and, when faced with Jeff's superficial and glib campaign becoming more successful than her merit-based argument, becomes increasingly unethical in pursuit of victory until the bespeak that she nearly ends up destroying their friendship.
  • Anti-Climax: At the cease of the episode, the winner of the election is ... no one. Well, Due south Park, simply information technology's ineligible.
  • Beneath Observe: One of the regime agents surveilling the campus is bearded as a cleaner.
  • Beware the Quiet Ones: Vicki doesn't say much, and leaves the elections before she can. Pierce drops out to harangue her more than well-nigh not lending him a pencil. She delivers it to him — straight through the cheek.
  • Birds of a Plumage: Abed and Special Agent Vohlers.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: Special Agent Vohlers:

    Vohlers: Yous smell like nice soap. I have to go. I'm sorry you weren't a more obvious potential threat to the country.

  • Cassandra Truth:

    Abed: The Vice President is coming? That explains the people I've noticed covertly surveilling the campus this week. Must be Clandestine Service.
    Jeff: [Patronising] Oh, Abed. Volition your reality e'er come out on Blu-Ray and then nosotros can relish it?
    Undercover Undercover Service Agent: [Unnoticed exterior the room, sotto voce] Nosotros've been fabricated.

  • Catchphrase: Magnitude is given many opportunities to use his throughout the argue scenes.

    Dean Pelton: Magnitude, a response?

    Magnitude: I think you know, Dean! [In unison with audience] "Popular Popular"!!

    Dean Pelton: [Chuckling affectionately] Ahhh ... I set up him up.

  • The Chew Toy: Britta is the just presidential entrant who doesn't get whatsoever applause; could be that her stated platform, in its entirety, is that "humankind need not be governed."
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: In the news ticker during Abed and Troy's political commentary, Professor Slater is noted every bit "nonetheless missing."
  • Continuity Nod: This episode, like "Aerodynamics of Gender" before it, contains a couple Freeze-Frame Bonus hints at future plots, such equally the western theme of the side by side paintball episodes.
    • Annie punctuates her speeches with the aforementioned stilted hand gestures she used during the fence championships.
    • Jeff chooses not to hide in the men's room every bit he knows that doesn't work. Instead, he lies in a closet backside a "atmospheric condition forecast" greenboard from one Troy and Abed in the Morn segment.
    • The Air Vent Monster in the news crawl for Troy and Abed in the Morning is Troy's monkey, Annie's Boobs.
    • A bit of a stretch, but Annie wants to make Greendale the all-time community higher in the western 3-quarters of the county. In "Basic Rocket Scientific discipline", when nosotros encounter the graphic of City Higher'southward expanding parking lot, Greendale is indeed to the west of Metropolis College, acknowledging their rival.
    • Pierce'southward age is listed as "66, dick."
    • Chicken finger shortage continues says the ticker underneath Troy and Abed's political show.
    • In "Comparative Religion", Jeff mentioned he "keeps his guitar in its case". We come across him playing guitar in his Real World audition tape.
  • Crawl: Troy and Abed's election coverage has a cable news-style ticker on the bottom of the screen with items like "Human Existence mascot: Offensive to animals?" and "No paintball this spring claims Dean."
    • The terminal one is "Tickers: Do we spotter them?"
  • Creepy Crossdresser: The Dean is a little too insistent that he has no choice only to wear his 'sis'southward' (rather unflattering) Uncle Sam costume.

    Dean Pelton: Information technology's tailored for ladies, simply what else could I do on such short discover?
    Jeff: Well, you could not apparel upwardly as Uncle Sam. Or admit you don't accept a sister.

  • Dark Horse Victory: Out of eight potential candidates, a write-in vote, South Park (not any of the characters or annihilation, the TV show itself), ended upwards winning in the finish.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Pierce joins the pupil council election solely to nifty and torment Vicki, a fellow candidate — who refused to lend him a pencil. This backfires on him when she eventually does 'lend' him one — through his cheek.
  • Easily Forgiven: Annie and Jeff to each other for their pettiness. Jeff admits he was beingness a jerk to Annie for no reason well-nigh her desire to better the school. What Annie did to Jeff ensures that he'll be hearing the embarrassing song he recorded for a few weeks. They still make upward.
  • Verbal Words:
    • Jeff did hang all Annie's campaign fliers up.
    • Vicki finally lends Pierce a pencil: she stabs him in the confront with information technology.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Abed will watch bad movies to mock them. Even he thinks The Last Airbender was just besides terrible.
  • The Faceless: All we see of Vice President Biden is the back of his head and his phonation ("I had a dream that I was a regular president").
  • Apartment Character: Vicky is and so nondescript that Troy and Abed can't think of a unmarried affair to say virtually her. Possibly averted at the terminate, when we learn that she's got at least ane definite character trait: she responds quite forcefully to people harassing her over pencils.
  • Friendship-Straining Competition: Jeff and Annie run against each other in an election for course president. After Jeff attacks Annie'due south idealism at several turns, she retaliates past showing everyone an embarrassing video Jeff made a long time ago. He drops out of the ballot as a upshot and she follows accommodate out of guilt. They patch things up subsequently.
  • Foreshadowing: The Crawl: "Dean announces end-of-year picnic, implies 'Western Theme'."
  • Funny Groundwork Event:
    • After yous rewind, you'll note the agent who says "we've been made" after Abed makes his comment almost the campus being watched was there at least since the dean walked in, wiping the same pane of glass repeatedly.
    • During one of Jeff and Annie'south conversations behind the podiums, whenever the camera faces Jeff we can see Magnitude dancing ridiculously for no reason, considering that'due south but how he rolls.
  • Get a Room!: Troy says this to the Birds of a Plumage.
  • Heel Realization: Both Jeff and Annie — Jeff in that he'due south trying to poison an idealistic endeavour to make the world a amend place for no better reason than to justify and feel better about his own pessimism, and Annie when she realizes that her own ruthlessness and entitlement almost lead her to destroy a friendship rather than lose an election. Both stop upwardly dropping out of the race because they realize that they don't deserve to win.
  • Held Gaze: Jeff and Annie have two in this episode. Ane when they're talking upwardly on the stage and Annie's telling Jeff that the gloves are coming off and he gives her his "Annie smile" and so some other ane in the storage room when they make up. And then Pierce interrupts...
  • Hopeless Auditionees: Britta during the fence nominations, Jeff in his Real World audition.
  • I Just Want to Exist Normal: In the Evidence Within a Show when Abed is watching Kickpuncher in the tag:

    Grateful denizen: You lot've done so much for our urban center, Kickpuncher; is there annihilation nosotros can give you lot?

    Kickpuncher: Don't call me Kickpuncher ... call me ... David.

  • Ignored Epiphany: Pierce notices that the rest of the group is awkward effectually him for his fell pranks from the previous episode. His mind is likewise clearer from going to rehab. He decides the best course of activity is to hassle someone from outside the grouping since they aren't friends. Vicki reveals she's not a pushover and stabs him in the cheek with a pencil.
  • I'm Standing Correct Here: In the debate, Annie promises to balance the school's budget by "eliminating administrative redundancies."

    Dean Pelton: Okay. I'm in the room.

  • I Regret Null: Used equally Jeff'south quotation in his political contour.
  • Is This Thing All the same On?: Pierce'southward attempt to psych out Vicki is unwittingly caught by the microphone, which is switched on. Pierce is not at all bothered by this.
  • Jerkass Ball: Jeff grabs it when mocking Annie about how her condign president won't really change anything. After, Annie grabs it from Jeff when he manages to sway the crowd with only a few choice words.
  • Kill It with Burn:

    Annie: I take so many ideas for improving the school.
    Jeff: Improving Greendale have more than than ideas, Annie. It takes time, gasoline, matches ...

  • Last-2d Discussion Swap: Agent Robin Vohlers corrects herself in the nick of fourth dimension before revealing embarrassing details from her babyhood.

    "Couldn't you merely pick the 6th kid every time? That's what I ... [Beat] would take done."

  • The Men in Blackness: The authorities agents.
  • My God, What Have I Washed?: Annie clearly feels rather aback of herself when her exposure of Jeff's Real World audition tape causes him to storm off upset.
  • Overnice Grapheme, Mean Actor: Troy is mean when the camera isn't rolling.

    "Tin can I have an apple juice, please? Freshly squeezed this time or then help me God, Maurice!"

  • Noodle Incident: The Ass-Crack Bandit, in this episode at least. It gets elaborated on in a later episode.
  • Obligatory Earpiece Touch: Troy touches his ear repeatedly in the scenes where he plays a commentator. He isn't really wearing an earpiece.
  • Old Shame: In-Universe, Jeff'due south audition record for the 1997 series of Real World Seattle is this to him.
  • One time for Yes, Twice for No: Abed uses this with Special Agent Vohlers.
  • Overly Narrow Pinnacle: Annie promises "to make Greendale the signature community college of the entire western three-quarters of the Greendale area."
    • In "Documentary Filmmaking Redux", nosotros learn that this is a slogan from the 1990s Greendale commercial.
  • Pandering to the Base: In-Universe. Leonard changes his last name to Rodriguez to "court the Hispanic vote."
  • Paranoia Gambit: Abed to the Secret Service then that Robin Vohlers has an excuse to spy on him.

    Abed: For GCTV this is Abed Nadir maxim: Did you know y'all can make napalm out of mutual dish soap and cat food?

  • Passive-Aggressive Kombat: Jeff and Annie slash out at each other on stage while keeping up a Stepford Smiler façade, just like real politicians do.
  • Political Correctness Gone Mad: The GCTV ticker informs the states that Greendale's mascot may be offensive to animals.
  • Ransacked Room: The Men in Blackness mess up Abed's room pretty well.
  • Call up the New Guy?: Parodied with Vicki, the only student entering the election who we've never seen or heard from earlier this episode. We learn absolutely aught near her except for the fact that she'southward wearing a yellow shirt and once refused to lend Pierce a pencil.
  • Running Away to Cry: Annie says that Jeff did this when the video of his Real Earth audition was screened. Jeff does do this.
  • Russian Reversal: Lampshaded by Jeff, who notes that the audience loves him switching phrases around.
  • Sad Clown: Pierce muses on disharmonize:
  • Scandalgate: The title of Troy and Abed'southward evidence is DecisionGate: Gateway to Election Road.
  • Shaped Like Itself: Troy counting notches.
  • Ship Tease: For Jeff and Annie. Their "Resolved" conversation is quite shippy and comes with some other Held Gaze and a potential Almost Kiss.
  • Close Upwardly, Hannibal!: Annie gives a pretty scathing one to Jeff right before he begins his campaign against her.

    Jeff: Face up it, Annie: Politics are all near ego, popularity, and parlor tricks. Don't child a lawyer.
    Annie: Well, if I encounter one, I won't.

  • Smoking Barrel Blowout: Annie does a shooting and blow-out gesture with her remote when the Old Shameinvoked video of Jeff is playing.
  • Stalker with a Beat out: Abed acquires i. She's a Secret Service agent. Not that he minds.
  • Stock Scream: The Wilhelm scream shows up in the cheesy movie Abed takes the Secret Service amanuensis to on their date.
  • Strange Minds Think Alike: Along with five other people, both Troy and Abed vote for Southward Park as school quango president.
  • Stumbled Into the Plot: Garrett ends up as 1 of the candidates for pupil council president because he thought he was getting in line for ice foam.
  • Take That!:

    Cloak-and-dagger Service agent: [After searching Abed's bag] He's clean. Although I could issue a warning for this homemade of The Last Airbender.
    Abed: Where were you a week ago? Y'all tin can continue it.

    • Starburns stops his presidential bid because he believed it would "shine a negative light on" his drug dealing.
  • Technicolor Eyes: Magnitude ("Pop, POP!") purportedly has ultraviolet eyes.
  • Matter-O-Meter: When selecting candidates for the presidential elections, the Dean elects to act every bit a human "adulation-o-meter" to allow how much adulation each candidate receives determine whether they make it through to the fence process. Since every candidate receives a smattering of polite applause, he ends upwardly letting them all in — and and then begins to wonder why so many people seem to exist getting nominated.invoked Then, Britta takes the phase with her anarchist views on the situation:

    Britta: I believe humankind need not be governed!
    [No adulation whatsoever]
    Britta: [Petulantly] I don't care.
    Dean: Well, it'due south good to know at that place's a floor on this thing...

  • Van in Black: In the terminal scene the female agent is seen spying on Abed from a flower service truck.
  • Vice President Who?: Joe Biden makes an appearance (sort of) while on a vice-presidential tour that was going to stop at Greendale. This trope is referenced when he wakes up from a nap and says, "I had a dream about beingness a real president."


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Recap/CommunityS2E17IntroToPoliticalScience

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