Snl Skit on the Ronald Reagans Assasination Attempt When They Replay the Clip Over and Over Again

Doc Brown: And then tell me, future male child, who's President of the Usa in 1985?
Marty McFly: Ronald Reagan.
Md: Ronald Reagan? The actor?! Then who's Vice President, Jerry Lewis?

Ronald Wilson Reagan (February six, 1911 – June 5, 2004) was the 40th President of the U.s., serving from 1981 to 1989 betwixt Jimmy Carter and George H. Due west. Bush. He was the sixteenth Republican president and the kickoff to serve 2 full terms since prior Republican president Dwight D. Eisenhower. note John F. Kennedy was assassinated partway through his term, Lyndon Johnson served the balance of that term plus one full term before failing to seek reelection (which was constitutionally permitted due to Kennedy having already served three quarters of his term before his expiry), Richard Nixon served one full term before resigning partway through his 2nd, Gerald Ford served out the remainder of that term before losing reelection to Carter, and finally, Carter served only 1 term before losing reelection to Reagan himself. Reagan is well known for restructuring the USA'due south political economy to let the wealthy to continue more of the money they had earned (under the theory that loftier taxation stymied economic growth) and working together with Mikhail Gorbachev to terminate the Cold War. He too was the last president to be in part during a state of war in which the Usa officially declared itself to be neutral: The Falklands War, fought between the United Kingdom and Argentina.

Yes, he's the showtime actor to become President. This fact arguably popularized the "celebrity president" trope that took off in popular media throughout the 1980s and '90s, most of it out of mockery (later getting a major second wind after the election of Donald Trump, another American celebrity). However, many of the jokes about that don't work very well, since, when his political career commenced in 1966, he was only the "former actor who's running for governor of California". In 1975–76 and 1979–80, he was known equally the "former 2-term Republican governor of California who'due south running for president." People today will more likely know Reagan for his presidency in The '80s; that said, his sometime acting career was and withal is a big point of notoriety, even though Reagan was a B-lister during his acting career. It wouldn't be until Trump's electoral win in 2016 that an actual media celebrity would become into the Oval Office.

More simply, the entire leadership of the USA's Republican Political party hero worships him, nearly of the Democrats' leadership approve of his economic policies and admire his ability to excerpt concessions from an opposition party that was yet mildly in favor of the New Deal (his presidency was the last where the heavily Democratic GI generation who grew up during the Depression/New Deal era was a significant portion of the Congress and electorate), and a pocket-sized minority of prominent progressive Democrats (like Elizabeth Warren) say that while the fractures which threaten to tear American club apart did not begin under Reagan, the wealth gap and corrosive influence of wealth upon politics began to worsen exponentially during his presidency.

Many Democrats do think fondly of him, and are known as "Blue Dogs" or "Reagan Democrats". Supporters praise him for getting the USA out of the "Stagflation" crisis of the 1970s that was triggered by the 1973 oil crisis and worsened past a gross misinterpretation of Keynesian economics (politicians ignored skillful advice and increased government spending when they should have been cutting it), making the USA's military machine a close second to the USSR'southward in conventional armaments, a close 2nd to the Soviets in nuclear weapon numbers (40,000 to thirty,000) but with a far superior 'starting time'/'decapitation' strike capability, negotiating an end to the Cold War, cutting regime support for unmarried parents and the unemployed, and his economic policies which heavily favored the expansion of the financial sector and an increase in the nominal/paper value of the country's Gross domestic product ("Reaganomics" equally it was called) by creating the savings and loan chimera which outburst in 1986–89.

Detractors cite the increased dependence upon and vulnerability of the economy to an increasingly unstable financial sector, the growing impoverishment of the poor, the growing wealth of the ultra-rich via the extraction of wealth from the poor, the inarguably ineffective and debatably doomed-to-fail "War on Drugs" which once more disproportionately affected the poor, the 191 percent increase in the national debt, his union-busting (specifically his handling of the PATCO air traffic controllers strike), the slow response (for whatever reason) to the AIDS epidemic, his support for Islamic fundamentalist militants (to counter communism) e.g. al-Qaeda's predecessors, the mujahedeen, in Afghanistan, and his nigh triggering the virtual extinction of our species during Able Archer. Critics of Reagan also tend to argue that the economic recovery that happened during his tenure was actually the delayed results of Carter's policies, with Reagan simply receiving the credit because the benefits started to announced during his presidency. The severity of the economic recessions that occurred after Reagan'due south 2d term ended is also frequently attributed past critics to his laissez-faire arroyo to economic policy, with Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, and Bush-league Jr. after him also being criticized for not reining in or exacerbating the issues that this approach had.

The universally acknowledged problem of his administration was massive corruption. While not necessarily from the man himself, his "hands-off" style of leadership led to his officials committing federal offenses without check. Various scandals from his assistants led to the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 officials, the well-nigh for any Usa president. The most infamous ane was the "Iran-Contra" matter, where military machine officials sold weapons to the Iranian regime in exchange for the release of hostages in Lebanese republic, plus money to fund the Contras, an anti-Communist guerilla group in Nicaragua that was revealed to have committed human being rights violations. All of that despite explicit congressional bans on any funding going to the Contras and an embargo against Iran that is withal in place today. Though the political fallout from Islamic republic of iran-Contra was not particularly long-lived, especially after half a dozen of those implicated were pardoned past George H. W. Bush, 2 associated events left a mark on American pop civilization: Lt. Col. Oliver North of the National Security Quango shredding so many documents that the paper shredder broke down, and the coincidental release of an Arcade Game titled Contra (though nowadays the latter is generally remembered as its ain entity, with any ties to the Islamic republic of iran-Contra Affair being forgotten about, in part due to the game's original thespian base of operations having been children at the fourth dimension with no existent interest in what was going on with the government). In 2019, a telephone chat between (then-California Governor) Reagan and President Richard Nixon surfaced, where Reagan described African delegates at the UN as "monkeys" who barely looked comfortable wearing shoes, an indication that Reagan in private may have held racist views towards not-white people.

Outside of the US, he is seen every bit a doofus in Germany due to his onetime career as a B-movie actor, as a saint in much of the old Eastern Bloc for his — supposed or real — role in bringing downwards the USSR, and as a villain in Nicaragua and another parts of Central America due to his role in Islamic republic of iran-Contra.

If you see someone in a picture or TV evidence talking about how great Reagan was, and so it's a surefire indication that the character is a US-Republican party member or someone with classical-liberal or neo-liberal leanings. Conversely, if y'all run into someone in a moving-picture show or TV show disparaging Reagan, expect the graphic symbol to be a social-liberal or socialist or anarchist or Marxist. For British media, substitute Margaret Thatcher for Reagan to precisely the aforementioned outcome, equally the two had faith in very similar socioeconomic belief systems — the pro-free-market, anti-regime ideology of Neoliberalism — and presided over their corresponding countries during roughly the same time menses (1979–1990). Reagan'southward other use in pop culture is to evoke the 1980s, so expect him to exist cited in annihilation set in a Pop History version of that decade or any political satires or topical shows from that era, even if it's from 1980 or 1989.

Reagan was the starting time president since James Monroe not to fall victim to the "Expletive of Zilch" (sometimes called the Curse of Tippecanoe), in which well-nigh every president who won an ballot held in a year ending in zero had died in office. notation William Henry Harrison (1840), Warren G. Harding (1920) and Franklin D. Roosevelt (1940) all passed abroad due to illness, while Abraham Lincoln (1860), James Garfield (1880), William McKinley (1900) and John F. Kennedy (1960) were all assassinated. He did come up close to meeting an untimely cease in part, however, every bit barely iii months into his commencement term, he was shot and severely injured by John Hinckley, and only survived due to prompt medical intendance. Reagan remains the merely sitting president to be injured but not killed in an bump-off attempt, and his brush with death is credited with having boosted his approval ratings from "pretty damn good" to "astronomical," and helped him score arguably the most decisive victory in a seriously contested presidential election when he was re-elected in 1984, with but 3,761 voters in Minnesota coming between him and victory in every unmarried land. Ironically, the only reason he virtually died from the assail was because of the protections meant to keep him prophylactic in the outset place: the bullet ricocheted off of his bulletproof limo and hitting him in a vital area. Had it been an ordinary machine, he would've escaped unharmed.

Fun fact: Reagan was once a member of the Democratic Political party and voted for Franklin D. Roosevelt four times. He also was very, very addicted to jelly beans. He started eating them when he quit smoking, and he seriously had jelly bean cup-holders placed on government planes. When he won in 1980, he wanted a jelly bean flag of red, white, and blue to exist created to celebrate the occasion. In that location were no blue-colored jelly beans at the time, and so the Jelly Belly company created the blueberry flavour specifically for the anniversary. Information technology concluded up becoming one of their most popular flavors. Compare Donald Trump, some other Hollywood celebrity turned Republican president.

Reagan's Movie Career:

Yes, Creator/RonaldReagan redirected hither to Useful Notes.

There is a story that Ronald Reagan was playing Trivial Pursuit with his staff aboard Air Strength One, and received the question "Who said 'I am the Errol Flynn of B-movies?'" Reagan correctly answered "I did." In any example, the Errol Flynn line is accurate, and reflected Reagan'south dissatisfaction over his motion-picture show career, which rarely provided the proficient parts that Reagan wanted, equally he typically ended upwards playing the archetypical "the hero's all-time friend/sidekick" graphic symbol.

Ronald Reagan made his film debut in a motion-picture show called Dearest Is on the Air in 1937. His beginning big intermission was a supporting part in the Bette Davis prestige drama Dark Victory (1939), only that part unfortunately failed to lift him out of the B-motion picture ghetto. In 1940, he played real-life American Football Player George "The Gipper" Gipp in the picture show Knute Rockne, All American (about a Notre Dame football bus), which featured the line, "Win One for the Gipper." "The Gipper" became i of Reagan's nicknames. He was ineligible for gainsay duty in World War 2 due to extreme nearsightedness, so Reagan spent much of the war making Army training films.

Another film Reagan famously played in was the one-act picture show Bedtime for Bonzo, in which he costarred with a chimpanzee in a standard "Ain't No Rule" story. Reagan always displayed a sense of humor about this flick; he's famously said to have once signed a promo photograph of himself and Bonzo with the inscription "I'one thousand the one with the wristwatch." note During his presidency, when Clint Eastwood was running for mayor of Carmel, California, Reagan jokingly telephoned Eastwood and quipped "What'southward an actor who one time appeared with a monkey in a picture doing in politics?", referring to Eastwood's office in Every Which Mode but Loose and having some Cocky-Deprecating Humor at the same time. He viewed That Hagen Girl, a 1947 melodrama co-starring Shirley Temple, equally his existent One-time Shame. Information technology'due south even rumored that Reagan tried to suppress or destroy copies of that film. At that place'due south also a mutual story that he was originally slated to star in Casablanca, which derives from a merits fabricated by the Warner Bros. publicity role while promoting his picture show Kings Row. Like many similar claims fabricated past the Warner Bros. publicity function during the menstruation, it has no basis in fact.

His most famous office was probably in the 1942 picture Kings Row, which contains the famous line: "Where's the remainder of me?" (his character had lost both of his legs). Where's the Remainder of Me? was the title of his 1965 autobiography. He had a memorable Playing Confronting Type part as a brutal and calumniating criminal offence lord turned Corrupt Corporate Executive in his terminal motion-picture show, The Killers (1964) by Don Siegel (of Dirty Harry fame). Cinephiles and film historians actually consider that office his best performance since he held his own against strong performers like John Cassavetes, Lee Marvin and Angie Dickinson (who he slaps around in a notorious scene).

Ronald Reagan films on TV Tropes:

  • Dark Victory (1939)
  • Knute Rockne, All American (1940)
  • Beyond the Line of Duty (1942) — brusque moving-picture show narrated by Reagan
  • Kings Row (1942)
  • Desperate Journeying (1942)
  • So You Want to Be in Pictures (1947) (cameo)
  • Stallion Route (1947)
  • The Vocalisation of the Turtle (1947)
  • That Hagen Girl (1948)
  • The Jerky Centre (1949)
  • John Loves Mary (1949)
  • Louisa (1950)
  • The Winning Team (1952)
  • The Killers (1964)
  • Hollywood on Trial (1976) (documentary, As Himself)

Reagan in fiction:

    open/shut all folders

    Anime and Manga

  • In the Full Metallic Panic! serial, Ronald Reagan demanded a giant robot force to go with the Star Wars project, hence the presence of Arm Slaves.
  • In Nippon, Inc., a manga nigh economics written in The '80s by Shotaro Ishinomori, hence more realistic than other examples.

    Comic Books

  • Reagan appears in Batman: The Night Knight Returns every bit a disturbingly shrunken and senile wretch who's stayed in function 20 years longer than is legal.
  • In The DCU, wannabe superhero Michael Jon "Booster" Carter, calling himself Goldstar, traveled back in time to 1986 and managed to save Reagan from an assassination attempt. When Ronnie asked him his proper noun, he responded "Boost ... er, Gold...," and was forever more known as Booster Gold. Also, in the Crisis Crossover Legends, Reagan apparently faces down a grouping of armed gunmen breaking into the Oval Office. "You take five seconds to surrender yourselves!" (Gunfire to Reagan'southward chest ... with no effect beside Habiliment Damage.) "Now y'all accept two seconds!" It's revealed to exist a bearded Martian Manhunter interim equally a decoy.
  • Issue #344 of Helm America had The Viper using a serum she got from Slithers (a modest X-Homo villain) turning Ronald and Nancy into Brainwashed and Crazy snake-men with the remainder of Washington, DC in an earlier stage of the transformation. The Captain (as he was known at the time because of a dispute with the government) didn't manage to terminate the plot earlier throwing down with the all of a sudden scaly Commander-In-Chief who was clad simply in his underwear. Reagan fifty-fifty used old glory as a weapon during the fight. While Cap was preoccupied with the president, Viper was able to make a Villain: Leave, Stage Left merely she was not able to get very far before she was stopped and defeated by Cobra (who is usually an enemy of The Mighty Thor). He said it was payback for Cap helping Sidewinder retake control of the Serpent Lodge and had zippo to do with his political affiliation.
  • In the 1980s Action Comics ran a Deadman storyline in which at one signal Deadman and the Devil drop in at a Washington soiree, possess Reagan and Gorbachev, respectively, then switch to Mrs. Gorbachev and Mrs. Reagan, respectively. And and then they fight.
  • Mortadelo y Filemón: Reagan shows upwardly in several albums written in The '80s ("El Cacao Espacial", "La Perra de las Galaxias" and "Los Ángeles 84"), or it'south mentioned (¡Este trasto está más cascado que el Reagan! (This junk is more broken than Reagan!)) in "El cochecito leré"
  • In Watchmen (an Alternate History where Richard Nixon is still president), editors at a correct-wing newspaper mock the thought of a "cowboy actor" like Robert Redford running for president; the film dispenses with subtlety and has them mocking the idea of Reagan himself running, despite the fact that he would be viii years older on taking office and probably beginning to show signs of Alzheimer's, not to mention losing some of the original irony. The picture show dialogue rewords information technology equally merely "a cowboy running for President", turning it into a dig at someone a trivial more recent.
  • The very get-go issue of Jon Sable, Freelance featured a clever, forceful Reagan blackmailing Sable into helping with presidential security confronting an assassinator who happened to be an old enemy of Sable's.

    Reagan: Do you lot know me?
    Sable: I know who you look like. Got any ID?
    Reagan: [Holding upwards American Express carte] Volition this do?

  • A Strontium Canis familiaris story in 1987 involved Johnny and Durham Ruddy rescuing Reagan from alien freedom fighters from the hereafter who were threatening to kill him in social club to create a Time Storm if all humans did not leave their planet. It's clear that Alan Grant was not addicted of Reagan.
  • In 5 for Vendetta, neo-fascist dictator Adam Susan is intended every bit a reference to Ronald Reagan (and to Margaret Thatcher every bit well).
  • Give Me Liberty has President Rexall, a Reagan Expy who ends upwardly as a Brain in a Jar and goes on to serve iii terms.
  • Ed the Happy Clown features the Ronald Reagan of an alternate universe getting his caput stuck to the title grapheme's penis. Surprisingly, Chester Brownish stated that this wasn't intended to be a Accept That!, as beingness both apolitical and Canadian, he had little idea of the specifics of Reagan'southward politics also knowing that he was vaguely right-wing and that the American correct fly was opposed to pornography and obscenity, both of which Brown had been accused of creating. Instead, he mostly picked Reagan so people would recognize the proper name (the drawn Reagan doesn't look much similar the real man either): Brown had originally meant to extravaganza Ed Broadbent, a left-wing Canadian politician he disliked, but eventually decided the first target was too obscure even for Canadians to appreciate.
  • During his presidency, he often appeared in the Underground Comics of the time, where surprisingly, he was universally depicted in an extremely negative light. He was typically drawn with a giant pompadour and hideously wrinkled face, and was depicted as a senile idiot at best and a racist, homophobic tyrant at worst.
  • The commencement Curiosity At present arc of Deadpool features all the deceased presidents returning as zombies to destroy the globe. Reagan, for his part in this, hijacks a armed services satellite to try and enact his failed Star Wars program in person, only for Deadpool to crash the satellite and re-kill him in the procedure. Also, during the fight, he cuts Reagan open, and all his jellybeans spill out.
  • In Deadly Class, master protagonist Marcus blames Reagan for his parent'south death, as his slashing of federal mental health funding led to numerous mental patients being unleashed onto the streets, including the i who crushed Marcus' parents past landing on them when jumping to her death. As such, Marcus intends to utilise the assassin preparation he'due south gaining at King's Dominion to kill Reagan in revenge one day.

    Fan Works

  • Reagan makes several cameo appearances in Power Girl fanfiction A Force of Four — prepare in the 1985 — where he's treated in a fairly neutral mode.
  • In Supergirl fanfic Hellsister Trilogy, Ronald Reagan makes a cameo appearance during the Darkseid War when Mikhail Gorbachev calls him to inquiry what is going on beyond the swimming and why isn't Superman fixing it.
  • In Kara of Rokyn, set in 1986, Reagan and Gorbachev discuss what should be done regarding Lex Luthor's latest world-endangering scheme before concurring that unfortunately they accept no option just to rely on the super-heroic customs. After the Luthor's threat is over for good, both Reagan and Gorbachev compete to see which is able to pay a amend homage to Superman, simply the Human being of Steel declines politely.

    Moving picture

  • The page's quote is from Back to the Time to come, with Doc Brown laughing when Marty mentioned it to him in 1955. When Reagan watched the film himself, he got so amused that he told the projectionist to stop the flick and replay the scene. In improver, in his 1986 State of the Union address, he would use the closing line "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads," which writer Bob Gale believes cemented BTTF's place in popular culture. In Role II, the Cafe '80s nostalgia restaurant is shown, a bit of a Theme Park Version of the decade. Reagan was shown on a Max Headroom-like display offering Marty a beverage, vying with an animated Ayatollah Khomeni for his attention. This may be a Shout-Out to Doonesbury'due south "Ron Headrest", a similar Headroom parody. The filmmakers wanted Reagan to play the mayor of 1885 Colina Valley in Part III. Reagan wanted to play the mayor, simply his aides turned down the offer. The second film features a newspaper from 1985-A with a line stating that Richard Nixon is seeking a fifth term. When the timeline is restored, information technology instead says that Reagan is seeking a 2nd term. One culling script had Biff giving the annual to his 1967 self instead of the 1955 i. One of the few things Doc teaches Marty about 1967 is the fact that Reagan was the Governor of California back then.
  • Reagan is mentioned several times in Born in East Fifty.A.. When the immigration officer asks Rudy who'due south the president, he answers John Wayne by mistake, which is "proof" enough that he's an illegal despite his protests and his ability to clearly speak English.


  • An indirect shout out in the 1967 (early on in Reagan'south political career) spy comedy In Like Flintstone has the president replaced by a double. Flint, hearing the whole evil programme, incredulously mutters "An actor every bit president?"
  • Reagan gets a Shout-Out / Take That! in The Matrix when the traitor, whose name is Reagan, says he wants to be "reborn" in the Matrix every bit an actor and completely forget his past.
  • Rumor has it that George Lucas named "Nute Gunray" of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace later on Newt Gingrich and Ronald Reagan, which would brand it a Take That!. Alternatively, "Nute" may accept come from Knute Rockne: All American, the motion picture which gave Reagan his nickname "The Gipper." Supposedly, Lucas was upset virtually the SDI'southward nickname, fifty-fifty though information technology was Reagan's critics who dubbed information technology "Star Wars," not the President.
  • The killer in The Tripper is a psychotic, hippie-hating Reagan-fanatic who dresses and acts similar him.
  • Is played past Alan Rickman in Lee Daniels' The Butler.
  • In Trading Places, Randolph Knuckles has a portrait of then-president Reagan on his desk, while his brother Mortimer has a portrait of Richard Nixon on his desk.
  • He has a prominent function in two of Michael Moore'southward movies.
    • In Roger & Me he is seen inviting some autoworkers out for a pizza, and encouraging them to wait for piece of work elsewhere. The cash register at that restaurant was later stolen during the issue.
    • In Capitalism: A Love Story, Moore accuses Reagan and his co-thinkers of creating an economic system that favored the rich, causing economical inequality and industrial turn down.
  • American Psycho: He briefly appears on television in the background when one of Patrick Bateman'south friends discusses his demeanor, claiming that Reagan but uses the "prissy onetime guy" image to appear harmless.
  • Reagan the role player is briefly mentioned in Airplane!, when the first passenger to come up down with the food poisoning mentions she hasn't felt this awful "since we saw that Ronald Reagan movie!" All the same, this was about certainly a dig at Reagan the politician. The scene was filmed in Baronial 1979 but Reagan had challenged and so-incumbent President Gerald Ford in the Republican primaries 3 years earlier and Reagan at least running for president in 1980 — if not winning outright as Jimmy Carter was deeply unpopular in 1979 — was considered a foregone conclusion. By the time the picture premiered in 1980, Reagan was the presumptive Republican nominee and would be elected president that November. (The film also contains a dig at Reagan's old rival Gerald Ford.)
  • Robin Williams does an impression of Reagan in Mrs. Doubtfire.

    "Nancy and I are even so looking for the other half of my caput."

  • The President of the Us in Wonder Woman 1984 is never named, simply profoundly resembles Reagan in appearance (mottled rosey complexion, dyed brown pompadour) and has a like speaking manner. Reagan was President during the actual twelvemonth 1984, of course, and the arms race which the graphic symbol is preoccupied was in full swing at the time.
  • The upcoming biopic Reagan will focus on the man himself equally played past Dennis Quaid.


  • An old German language joke makes a play on his name "Als der Reagan kam wurde der Kohl immer fetter." note Loosely, "When the rain comes, the cabbage gets fatter." (Kohl significant cabbage and Reagan sounding similar to "Regen", which means rain. Helmut Kohl, the West German language chancellor, was well known for his rotundness which just got worse during the eighties.)


  • Reagan is ofttimes disparaged past the narrator of John Irving's A Prayer for Owen Meany.
  • The Salmon of Doubt In Douglas Adams' posthumous collection, a short story starring Zaphod ends with the revelation that Ronald Reagan is an escaped conflicting-engineered weapon of mass political destruction, and that the aliens responsible will accept to make the Earth 'safe, perfectly rubber'.
  • And so Long, and Thank you for All the Fish featured "Know-Aught Bozo the Non-Wonder Dog", and so named "due to a remarkable similarity to the American President". The domestic dog'due south possessor and his friends would play a game with the dog where they would shout "Commies!" repeatedly and watch as the dog went berserk.
  • In Stephen King's The Nighttime Belfry series, ane of the characters, Susannah is transported from the America of 1964 into a fantasy globe. When she meets Eddie, who came from 1987, she doesn't believe that Reagan is the president by then, and thinks he's only kidding.
  • In Frederik Pohl's The Coming of the Quantum Cats, an alternating Ronald Reagan exists in 2 of the universes. In one, he's a former actor viewed as a subversive by the government. In the other, he's the First Gentleman — Nancy Reagan is president.
  • Inasmuch every bit The Kite Runner is based around the events in Transitional islamic state of afghanistan from the 1970s up to the present day, Ronald Reagan's election is mentioned. Amir's male parent Baba is a huge supporter, going out and buying a poster of Reagan the twenty-four hours after the "Evil Empire" speech.
  • The Cthulhu Mythos story, A Colder State of war, by Charles Stross has Reagan accidentally causing The End of the World as Nosotros Know It, by jokingly proverb "We'll starting bombing in xv minutes!" during a speech in Republic of finland. This leads to the Soviet Union, as well as the warring states of Iraq and Iran, panicking and unleashing their horrifying Magitek weapons they got from studying Cthulhu and Soggoths, but still don't fully understand. The US quickly retaliate by launching their ain horrifying weapons they don't fully empathize either, which they got from studying leftovers from the Elder Things, and presently humanity is utterly doomed.
  • A Nomad of the Timestreams past Michael Moorcock features an appearance by an alternate-universe version of Reagan as a racist, buffoonish Boy Scout leader.
  • In the President'due south Vampire series, information technology'due south revealed that Reagan was much more severely wounded by Hinckley than was let on to the public, and that the government had to release Johann Konrad from prison in exchange for him saving the President's life. Even then, information technology's implied that the brush and whatsoever Konrad did to him caused his mental decline in his later years.
  • Reagan, referred to simply as "Dutch," has a cameo in American Empire: The Centre Cannot Hold, part of the Timeline-191 series by Harry Turtledove. Paralleling Reagan's real-life career at this time (the 1930's), "Dutch" is a sportscaster, working out of Des Moines, Iowa. He's pretty skilful, likewise: the character listening to him thinks he could make reading the phone book sound interesting. "If anyone was a smashing communicator, he was the human."

    "Dutch" [Every bit a runner tears downfield]: At that place he goes again!

  • In United nations Vocal, Reagan makes a bargain with the Comet King to reunify the collapsing United States into the new Untied States. Information technology turns out that he's really a Golem created by Gadiriel, the angel of celebrity, who wants to stop America from falling apart.
  • Bruce Coville's Book of... Monsters: In the opening story, My Little Brother Is a Monster, protagonist Jason Burger privately nicknames his new little brother "Bonzo" after the chimpanzee in Bedtime for Bonzo. When Coville rewrote the story into a full-length book, Always Oct, this was left out.

    Live-Activeness TV

  • James Brolin played Reagan in the controversial 2003 miniseries The Reagans.
  • Reagan was one of the iv X-Presidents on Saturday Dark Live's "Television receiver Funhouse," and the comic books based on it, a group of superheroes who fought crime.

    Reagan: Only say "no" to pissing me off!

  • Due to abiding cast turnovers brought about by behind-the-scenes bug, Reagan was largely unscathed past Saturday Night Live'southward political humor during his tenure. Information technology was only until the very end of his presidency that SNL institute its definitive Reagan in the grade of Phil Hartman. Sadly, by this bespeak, they were but able to get one notable skit out of Hartman's Reagan, which famously portrayed Reagan equally a shrewd, harsh tactician who simply put up a facade of being a doddering Cloud Cuckoolander to get away with the Iran-Contra scandal. This sketch is unremarkably the only one that you'll come across on "best of Presidential spoofs" prune shows. Meet it here.
  • In the satirical puppet show Spitting Epitome he was often portrayed as in a relationship with Margaret Thatcher, and equally a Deject Cuckoolander always accompanied past the chimpanzee Bonzo (run into Never Live It Down). Along with Thatcher he was one of the Acceptable Targets that made the show enormously popular in the Britain.
  • John Casey from Chuck is a big Reagan fan. He keeps a framed moving-picture show of Reagan (which actually belongs to player Adam Baldwin) in his apartment.
  • Jack Donaghy of 30 Stone reveres Reagan as the patron saint of capitalism.
  • Reagan does non appear in The Americans, but is frequently discussed by the titular Soviet sleeper agents, whose commanders believe he is a madman who will end up destroying the earth (and discovering the plans for the Star Wars projection don't allay these fears either). In the episode covering the time where he's shot, the Soviets misinterpret the events to cause them to retrieve that a coup within the American regime is imminent.
    • Read any account of how Able Archer '83 almost went nuclear, and you'll come across rampant paranoia amidst the top Soviet leadership concerning Reagan and his intentions as beingness horrifying Truth in Tv.
    • In the offset episode, a Soviet defector is kidnapped on US soil past a pair of hush-hush KGB agents. In response, President Reagan issues a pinnacle-secret Executive Order authorizing the FBI to exist more ambitious in stopping KGB operations within the United States.
  • One episode of Psych has Shawn need Lassiter to punch him. Lassiter refuses, until Shawn says that Reagan was an awful president, leading to Lassiter immediately punching Shawn out.
  • Bruce Campbell will accept a cameo as Reagan in Season two of Fargo which takes identify in the Seventies (and not in Fargo).
  • CSI: NY: Despite the serial non premiering until 2004, Det. Mac Taylor has a framed 8"x10" pic of Reagan in his office, and is teased by a co-worker nigh "that eight-60 minutes documentary y'all're always watching."
  • In Wet Hot American Summer: Commencement Day of Camp he'due south played past a deliberately unconvincing Michael Showalter as a Cloud Cuckoolander who scarfs down jelly beans and goes way too far in trying to invoke Get a Agree of Yourself, Man!, but is still pretty reasonable in the end.
  • Johnny Carson played Reagan in several skits on The This evening Show, including one where he led the Reagans against Queen Elizabeth'south Windsor family on Family unit Feud.
  • In The Ranch, it'south mentioned that Beau is such a large fan of Ronald Reagan that he voted for him equally a write-in candidate in every election since Reagan left office.
  • In All in the Family, Archie annoys Mike by telling him that he wrote in Richard Nixon in the 1976 election; in fact, Archie actually wrote in Reagan. (Later, he yells at Mike, "Yous're gonna go Ronald Reagan in 1980!", a prediction which proved accurate.)


  • The vast majority of songs nearly Ronald Reagan came from pretty much every U.S. punk band from the 1980s (not even an exaggeration, most bands had at least one song about him; although exceptions to the anti-Reagan songwriting tendency exist, they're hard to come up by). Notable examples include:
    • "Reagan's In" by Wasted Youth
    • "We've Got a Bigger Problem Now" and "Rambozo the Clown" past Dead Kennedys
    • "Reaganomics" by D.R.I.
    • "Fascist" by Minutemen
    • "Fucked Up Ronnie" past D.O.A.
    • "I Shot the Devil" by Suicidal Tendencies
    • "Bonzo Goes to Bitburg" past The Ramones, a rail criticizing Reagan for making an official visit to a German cemetery where a number of Nazi SS officers were buried. This track is especially notable considering the band included lifelong Republican Johnny Ramone, who was absolutely infuriated with this vocal.
  • "Battalions of Fear" past German metal ring Blind Guardian is nearly his policies. Equally y'all can probably guess by the championship, it's not positive.
  • Michael Jackson appeared with Ron and Nancy in a Rose Garden photo op. Reagan honored Michael for allowing the "But Say No" entrada to apply the vocal "Beat It" in an ad. According to the Jackson biography, The Magic and the Madness, the Get-go Lady establish Michael somewhat peculiar but bonny. To say that this was controversial would be ... an overstatement.
  • The music video for Minutemen's "This Ain't No Picnic" included clips of Ronald Reagan from a war film. The clips were edited to go far wait like Ronald Reagan was shooting at and bombing The Minutemen from a fighter airplane.
  • Rich Little did a fictitious entreatment to minority voters as Reagan rapping and Nancy on Bass. "Rappin' Ronnie."
  • "Underground Service Freedom Fighting USA" by The World/Inferno Friendship Society is ofttimes introduced during live shows as being titled "I shot President Ronald Reagan, AND I'Yard GONNA Practise Information technology Over again AND Once more AND Once more AND Over again!" The song itself is supposedly based on an incident from the atomic number 82 singer'southward teenage years, when (unaware that Reagan was making an appearance a few towns over) he shouted that during a prank call and was subsequently arrested.
  • Genesis' video of 'Landof Defoliation' uses Spitting Image and their puppets, including that of Reagan as a would-be superhero. Reagan is depicted every bit a senile one-time coot incapable of dealing with the bug he tries to solve (failing at Changing Apparel Is a Free Action when he tries to put on a Superman suit) and suffering from dementia (when he tries to call a nurse, he pushes the "Nuke" button by mistake and sets off a nuclear weapon).
  • Owl City uses part of Ronald Reagan'southward famous speech about the explosion of the Challenger infinite shuttle equally an intro to the song "Galaxies", which is a tribute to the twenty-fifth ceremony of the tragedy.
  • Frank Zappa was a very vocal critic of Reagan's politics. This began very early, with the concentration camp for hippies on We're Simply in It for the Money (1968) being called "Camp Reagan", an innuendo to Reagan then existence governor of California. In the only music video Zappa ever made, You Are What Y'all Is (1981), a lookalike of Reagan is depicted on the electric chair. Several anti-Reagan songs can be heard on Broadway the Hard Way (1988), namely "The Untouchables", "Dickie'due south Such an Asshole" (also targeting Nixon), "When the Lie'due south So Big", "Jesus Thinks Y'all're a Jerk". On Make a Jazz Racket Here (1991) the track "Star Wars Won't Work" attacks Reagan's "Star Wars" defence projection. The instrumental track "Reagan at Bitburg" on Civilization Phaze Iii (1994) references Reagan'south infamous controversial visit to Bitburg, West Frg in 1985 where he laid a laurel wreath on the grave of some SS soldiers.
  • Killer Mike has a vocal called "Reagan", the majority of which deals with the CIA drug sales and how that combined with "Just Say No" and harsher drug sentences for juveniles to victimise black youth. The music video features blithe clones of Reagan as the mooks of the The states government, and eventually a super-sized Reaganbot.
  • Lemon Demon's song "Reaganomics".

    Paper Comics

  • Huey Freeman is convinced that Ronald Reagan is really The Antichrist. This is based on actual conspiracy theories by some black militants, citing, amongst their reasons, the fact that his first, middle, and last names All had six letters.
  • In a 1981 serial of Bloom County strips, Santa'due south elves go on strike; Reagan (who is never depicted simply heard every bit a phonation on a Tv set seen from the side) fires them all and replaces with scabs, breaking the matrimony. Any resemblance to the 1981 air traffic controllers' strike is purely intentional.


  • In the musical Assassins, John Hinckley Jr. shoots Reagan equally an act of beloved for Jodie Foster. Reagan survives. Like the other assassination attempts, it'due south presented as a carnival game, with a buzzer sounding every fourth dimension Hinckley fails to impale the President, and the proprietor mocking him with Reagan's various quips.

    Hinckley: He died so our love could alive!
    'Reagan': Sorry, Nancy, I forgot to duck.
    'Reagan': I sure promise that'due south surgeon'south a Republican.
    'Reagan': Where'd that child larn to shoot, the Russian army?
    'Reagan': At that place you go once more.

  • The 1984 off-Broadway musical Rap Main Ronnie, co-written past Elizabeth Swados and Doonesbury creator Garry Trudeau, satirizes central Reagan administration events and individuals. A movie version was released in 1988.

    Video Games

  • Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja. One-time in the eighties, Ronald Reagan was kidnapped by Ninjas. Fortunately, at that place were some dudes who were bad enough to rescue him, and then they did, and so went out for a hamburger (specifically, you lot go to watch President Ronnie swallow one in forepart of you. What the hell, Ronnie?).
  • The heroes of the Engrish-laden classic Battle Rangers also set up out to relieve President Ronnie from a boomerang-tossing despot.
  • "Senile Reagan in a Bikini" was the original cohost of the game show segment in Bushgame, a politically-charged spinoff of the Emogame series. Out of ... respect(?) later Reagan'southward decease, the grapheme became the more lucid "John Snow".
  • Ronald Reagan appears in the cut scenes that precede some of the 1980s missions in Call of Duty: Blackness Ops II.
  • Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus features Reagan every bit a Television player starring in Nazi propaganda pieces in Nazi-occupied America. He dies when he accidentally pisses off Hitler by referring to him as "Mr. Hitler" instead of "Mein Führer".
  • Ronald Reagan appears in the introduction of Telephone call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, ordering the protagonists to hunt down an elusive Soviet clandestine amanuensis known only as Perseus.
  • Wasteland iii: an AI re-create of Reagan'due south brain is fanatically worshipped equally a living god by a faction called "The Gippers" in the bombed-out postapocalyptic ruins of Denver, Colorado. The Gippers' priestesshood all take the proper noun "Nancy" after his wife and proclaim themselves to be married to their god. Morningstar, who knew Reagan, is furious about the whole thing, and points out that the homo himself would detest being worshipped since he was a devout Christian.


  • Edge The Devilhunter features Reagan resurrected as a demon called The Gipper. The Gipper resembles a set of male genitalia on legs, with Reagan's caput appearing in identify of the tip of the penis.
  • Ansem Retort also used the REAGAN SMASH joke mentioned beneath ... except this time Reagan turned into The Incredible Hulk and actually did tear down the Berlin Wall. And equally it turns out, the reason Ronald Reagan can turn into The Hulk is because Axel brought a gamma bomb from the future and set it off at the set of Kings Row.


  • Ronald Reagan is a member of the cast of Shortpacked!, after the owner of the eponymous toy store heard i of his employees remark "Bring back anything from the '80s, and it's money in the bank" (just how he was "brought dorsum" is never really addressed although Imported Alien Phlebotinum capable of resurrecting the dead does exist in the strip'south universe). "Ronnie" is played as a kindly old homo, slightly absentminded, with an occasional tendency to outburst into a Patriotic Fervor and total disability to retain information about AIDS. He is also portrayed as remarkably accepting of homosexuality, despite his politics, a stance he explains by reminding people that he got his beginning in Hollywood and personally knew Rock Hudson.
  • Subnormality non only claims that Ronald Reagan is evil, only that he is an excellent freestyle rapper. He's on a date with Margaret Thatcher, who is also evil.

    Web Original

  • Homestar Runner: 1 of the options in the "Cull-Your-Ain-Ingredient" Halloween toon, "Halloween Potion-Ma-Jig", demonstrates Homestar'southward Reagan impression:

    Homestar: Well ... well ... Nancy and I ... economic science ... well ... rap music ... jellybeans ... well ... nosotros ... probably had a ... pet ...
    Bubs: That'due south the worst Ronald Reagan impression I've ever heard!
    Homestar: [Offended] Ronald Reagan?! I was doing my Keanu Reagan!

  • In A World of Laughter, a World of Tears, a young Reagan hosts the Mickey Mouse Society TV show (which turns into a mouthpiece for political propaganda).
  • Reagan is the candidate for the Republican nomination for President in 1976 in Fearfulness, Loathing and Gumbo on the Campaign Trail '72; he narrowly loses the ballot to Democratic candidate George Wallace. Reagan then runs for the Republican nomination again in 1980 but loses the primary ballot to Donald Rumsfeld. He briefly gets his own talk show, but after condign an opponent of Rumsfeld'due south policies, he flees into exile with Richard Nixon to Britain.
  • The Onion did a written report on the GOP raising Ronald Reagan from the grave so that Zombie Reagan can exist the new face of the Republican Party.
  • Appeared briefly in a review by The Nostalgia Chick. With the Imperial March playing over his picture.
  • He'southward mentioned in 1983: Doomsday as having survived Doomsday and managed to escape the crumbling US for Hawaii. But en route to Australia, his plane vanishes in the South Pacific, leaving George Bush-league Sr. as the head of the American exile community.
  • The SCP Foundation:
  • If Reagan had always establish it necessary to ride into battle on the back of a dinosaur, firing a submachine gun, while the dinosaur clutched a flagpole in 1 paw—well, then he would've washed so. And it would've looked something like this.
  • In Kentucky Fried Politics, Reagan runs for the Presidency in 1976 and loses to Walter Mondale in a reversal of roles in OTL.

    Western Animation

  • A selection of mentions and appearances in The Simpsons:
    • In a brief cutaway gag in "Lisa the Beauty Queen," Reagan is one of the heads seen stuck on a pole in the Bedchamber of Horrors section of the Springfield Wax Museum.
    • Members of the Springfield Republican Political party mention that they have a mission to rename everything after Reagan. (For example, all schools named in Millard Fillmore's award will be transferred to Reagan's.)
    • Homer's "Rappin' Ronnie Reagan" record. This is actually a Shout-Out to Rich Little'southward "Rappin' Ronnie", a fictitious appeal to minority voters with Ron rapping and Nancy on Bass. Spotter it here.
    • When seeing "Homer's Barbershop Quartet", The Be Sharps, sing at the Statue of Freedom'due south Centennial Ceremony, Reagan turns to married woman Nancy and remarks, "Damn ceremonies. This is time I could be working, Mommie."
    • Mr. Burns' vocalisation is partly based on Mr. Reagan.
  • Similar to the to a higher place Simpson example, the penultimate episode of Mission Hill has Kevin mentioning that the location of the supermarket Super Grunter in his domicile suburb has inverse its name to Ronald Reagan Parkway rather than FDR Parkway.
  • In The Town, Reagan is depicted as being incredibly anti-Ceremonious Rights by other characters to the point that the revolutionary extremist Huey states that "Ronald Reagan is the devil," going as far as to betoken out that his each of his three names has six letters every bit a tell-tale sign. Black-antisocial black man Ruckus all the same idolizes him for this ideal, who in his dreams stated that he spent his life attempting to make life miserable for black people.
  • Family Guy:
    • Reagan is depicted in episode "Peter's Got Woods", proverb his "Tear down this wall" line and and so beating on a brick wall with his bare fists while repeatedly yelling "REAGAN SMASH!" Information technology turns out it was the wall of a McDonald'south and the workers inside comment that information technology is nothing to exist concerned most, and that he tends to vesture himself out chop-chop. He is then seen curling up like a child, muttering "Reagan sleepy..."
    • The episode "Family Gay" implied he and Gorbachev were gay lovers.
    • In "Quagmire's Babe", Peter buys an erstwhile ham radio from Quagmire at a garage sale. Later fiddling with it, a voice comes out of the radio claiming to be Reagan'south ghost. Yet, it's somewhen revealed that the voice was actually Rich Footling attempting to reach out to a younger audience.
  • In an Animaniacs episode, "De-Zanitized," Reagan appears in Scratchansniff's flashback, taking place when he was an actor, and tells the doctor about his dream where he becomes president. Scratchansniff deems him incurable. May exist Harsher in Hindsight, as the episode came out in 1993, a year before he revealed his Alzheimer's.
  • In Phineas and Ferb, In one episode, in another attempt to bosom her brothers for the daily projection of theirs, Candace asks Mom to "Tear Down This Wall" with her car, the wall being the fence in betwixt her and the backyard, afterwards "Hail to the Master" begins playing briefly every bit a reference to Reagan.
  • He is often referred to on Rex of the Loma, being one of Hank's two leading presidential heroes (the other beingness LBJ, who for obvious reasons serves equally the but Democrat whom Hank holds in such loftier esteem).

    Hank: [After finding out that Bobby wrote a report about fictitious President Jed Bartlet] Now go do a report on a real president.
    Bobby: Merely which president should I … [Hank glares] … Ronald Reagan.

    • "I miss voting for that human."
    • "Hey, now, if Ron Reagan dyed his hair — and I'chiliad not maxim he did — it was but to show his forcefulness to the Communists."
    • "Some Twenty-four hour period Governor Reagan Will Run for President"
    • From "Go Your Freak Off":

      Jan: Chaperoning? Nice job, Ronald Reagan.
      McB: Hey, don't phone call me that!
      Hank: Yeah, don't telephone call him that!

  • Reagan (and his cabinet) every bit badass commando superhero(es).
  • 1 episode of Tiny Toon Adventures featured Buster and Babs going to Washington to request aid against a Moral Guardian lady that sucked up Acme Acres' residents' "tooniness". The bunnies go to the Lincoln Memorial for guidance, and seem to hear Abraham Lincoln's vocalisation coming from the statue, urging them not to surrender. They walk off, inspired, not knowing that it'south just Ronnie in his pajamas, talking to his teddy acquit.
  • In the "Rap-unzel" episode of the ALFTales cartoon, Reagan (in Melmaccian form) is the doddering, clueless majestic father of Prince Gordon, and is finally convinced by him to prepare up a Federal Communications Commission to foil the Evil Witch'due south broadcasting monopoly.
  • American Dad!:
    • Stan Smith worships Reagan more than than he does Jesus (and he already does a lot of that). At one betoken, he asks Nancy Reagan what Ronald would have done in a difficult situation. Nancy performs a mocking seance and sends him on his fashion.
    • In "The Vacation Goo", he tries to convince his marauded family to listen to his ideas unless they guess what president he likes a lot. Steve immediately answers with, "Ronald Reagan."
    • The first Christmas Episode, "The Best Christmas Story Never Told", has Stan going back in time to the 1970s to try and kill Jane Fonda for "ruining Christmas", but along the manner he makes changes which snowball into Reagan losing the 1984 election to Walter Mondale, annotation He convinces Martin Scorsese to give up drugs, Scorsese never makes Taxi Commuter, John Hinckley Jr. never becomes obsessed with Jodie Foster from watching it, and he never attempts to assassinate Reagan, who doesn't take the popularity he gained from surviving an bump-off attempt that atomic number 82 him to being re-elected. who handed control of the state over to the Soviet Union less than two months into his presidency. At the end of the episode, after going back in time and declining to set things exactly as they were before, Stan has to go dorsum to 1981 and shoot Reagan himself.
    • "Stanny Slickers 2: The Legend of Ollie'southward Gilded" has Stan sing a song near Oliver North and Ronald Reagan'south involvement in the Iran-Contra thing, in the style of Schoolhouse Rock!
  • A recurring troublemaker on China, IL. First stealing a CIA time motorcar to get back and crap in Steve'southward rima oris for mocking him on an '80s kid talent show. So assisting Frank and Babe Cakes in finding Thomas Jefferson's crystal palace, which makes him President for Life.
  • On Gravity Falls, Ford mentions that he made a heed control tie for Reagan'due south "masters", but never clarifies what that means.


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