what are some challengeing quweston should you to ask at a job interview

12 Tough Interview Questions and Answers

By Hanne Keiling

October 11, 2021

Hanne was a senior content manager at Indeed.

During a chore interview, you may be asked tough questions. Tough interview questions vary widely betwixt industries, but there are several tough questions employers commonly use to learn more about y'all equally a candidate.

In this article, we look at why employers ask tough questions and what they're looking for in your answer. And then, we explore examples of tough interview questions with sample answers.

Cardinal takeaways:

  • Employers ask tough questions to learn how you process information and solve problems.

  • Prepare to discuss your approach and explicate your reasoning.

  • Stay at-home, accept a moment to collect your thoughts, and inquire clarifying questions if needed.


Employers ask tough interview questions for several different reasons. One reason employers enquire hard questions is to seek out important data well-nigh you. For example, employers might ask you to tell them almost yourself. While information technology is difficult to provide a brief, eloquent summary of yourself, it is helpful context for employers to empathize.

Another reason employers ask difficult interview questions is to learn near your thought processes. For example, they might inquire you an unexpected and abstruse question like, "If you lot were a tree, what blazon of tree would you be?" The employer is not looking for a specific respond here merely rather asking to see if you can think chop-chop and support your answer with some logic or explanation.

Lastly, employers might ask tough interview questions to approximate your feel level and comfort with hard tasks. This is more than mutual in technical roles like computer programming or accounting. These questions should be answered to the best of your power. Check with friends or colleagues in your industry for examples of exam questions they've received.

Related: 15 Hypothetical Interview Questions and Tips on How to Answer Them

Top Interview Questions

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Acme x Interview Questions

  1. Tell me about yourself.

  2. How would you draw yourself?

  3. What makes yous unique?

  4. Why do you lot want to piece of work here?

  5. What interests you lot nigh this role?

  6. What motivates you?

  7. What are y'all passionate about?

  8. Why are yous leaving your current task?

  9. What are your greatest strengths?

  10. What are your greatest weaknesses?

Common difficult interview questions with sample answers

Let'southward look at a few common tough interview questions with examples of how y'all could answer them. When preparing for your interview, think about a few different scenarios of tough questions you lot may exist asked depending on your industry.

1. What critical feedback do you most often receive?

This question is similar to "What are your greatest weaknesses?" Employers ask this question to see if y'all have a sense of self-awareness and that you're actively working on cocky-comeback. To answer this question, retrieve of a 18-carat slice of criticism you lot've been given, or a weakness you're aware of. Provide a brief caption of the critique and how you're working on improving information technology.

Example: "In the by, I've been told that I tend to discuss others in meetings. While I do go excited about the projects I'thou working on and honey collaborating with others, I deeply sympathize the value of active listening and using the diversity of ideas in the room. I've made it a point to heed actively by taking notes and make myself the terminal 1 to contribute while others are sharing."

2. Tell me about a time you overcame an obstruction.

Employers inquire this question to empathise how you deal with difficulties. You tin utilize the STAR method when answering behavioral interview questions like this. Provide a brief summary of the situation, your role in the situation, the action you put into identify to resolve the upshot, and how the issue was resolved as a result.

Case: "I worked as a retail manager at a department store during prom season. A customer purchased a dress online and had information technology delivered to the store where it was accidentally purchased by another customer. Before calling the original buyer, I located the same wearing apparel at another location nearby. I ordered it to be pressed and delivered to her dwelling the forenoon of prom with a gift menu to thank her for her agreement. The customer immediately wrote us a five-star review on several review sites."

Related: 21 Tough Open up-Ended Questions (and How to Answer Them)

3. How practice y'all handle stress?

Stress is a component in many jobs, employers want to know you lot'll handle it constructively with a proficient mental attitude to maintain good company culture. Y'all tin reply this question by explaining how you typically answer with an example to support it.

Example: "Communication is key for me in stressful situations, even if over-communicating is necessary to ensure anybody is on the same page. For example, I was working on a project with another team and we found in that location was duplicate work being done. By scheduling a weekly standup and keeping open lines of honest communication with our teams and managers, nosotros pushed the project frontwards and ended up contributing to a pregnant visitor goal in a big style."

4. What accept been your near positive and negative management experiences?

Employers might ask you this question to sympathise what you like and dislike in certain management styles. This might assist them decide whether or not y'all would be a expert fit under a certain manager. Y'all should answer this question honestly and as tactfully as possible.

Case: "One of my past managers, while very talented, tended to manage our squad's work closely with little flexibility on how things were to be done. Information technology fabricated me feel similar I wasn't trusted and there wasn't much room for process improvement. My most recent manager was terrific at listening to my needs and helping me get the resources I needed to achieve my goals. I thrive nether managers who create a collaborative, trusting squad environment."

5. What'south your biggest weakness?

Employers may inquire about your weaknesses to meet if y'all accept a sense of self-sensation and how you're working to amend.

Example: "One weakness I've been working on is my power to provide effective criticism. I understand how providing feedback on work or projects that could take been handled better is extremely valuable. To ameliorate on this, I'one thousand writing down my feedback earlier I approach my colleagues. This helps me to program out my reply, requite the all-time criticism possible and be less nervous."

Related: 7 Tricky Interview Questions With Case Answers

6. Why are you leaving your current position?

This is valuable information for employers to understand. It helps them ensure the opening volition be a meliorate fit, make sure they can provide for what your previous employer did not or run into if yous might have contributed to a negative feel for both you and the employer. Reply this question honestly, just refrain from providing too much personal or negative particular.

Example: "While I highly valued my time at my previous company, there are no longer many opportunities for growth that align with my career goals. This position aligns perfectly with my skill prepare and how I'm looking to advance my career."

7. How many pennies, if stacked on top of each other, would equal the height of the Empire State edifice? (Or other questions with no right or wrong reply)

Employers may ask questions similar this to sympathise your thought processes. They desire to gauge whether y'all can think analytically, deal with ambiguity and communicate clearly. It is completely appropriate and even encouraged to enquire for a few minutes to get together your thoughts. Fifty-fifty if your answer seems featherbrained or incorrect, employers are simply looking for an answer with logical support. It is likewise advisable to inquire follow-up questions for more than information or context, though they may or may not provide the answer.

Instance: Commencement by breaking down a solution based on related information you might already know. What is the approximate height of the Empire State Building? You can probably deduce that 500 feet is likewise short and 5,000 anxiety is too tall. Let's say you guess roughly 1,500 feet. From in that location, consider the thickness of a penny. To do this, you lot might think about how many stacked pennies equal one inch. Let's say 15. Side by side, since you know there are 12 inches in a foot and you've estimated the building'due south meridian at 1500 feet, you multiply to become an approximate answer of 270,000 pennies to equal the summit of the Empire State Building.

8. Why practice you desire to piece of work hither?

Employers often ask this question to make sure you lot've put idea and research into your decision to seek employment at their visitor. This question might be especially important if you're changing industries or job roles.

Example: "When I began looking for a new position, I purposefully sought out companies that are committed to integrity, philanthropy and innovation, and your company ranks at the summit of the list. Your company has always been forward-focused and used technology to assist amend the customer experience, and I'chiliad looking for an opportunity where I can put my passion for great UX to work."

9. Why should we rent yous?

Employers might enquire this question to understand what differentiates y'all from other candidates they might be interviewing. To answer, explain how your experience, skills and attributes brand you the best fit for the task. Make sure to carefully review the job description beforehand to understand what qualities they're looking for.

Case: "You should rent me for my passion and proven abilities in system for part efficiency. In my previous role as an administrative assistant, I came upwardly with a program to reorganize the function supply closet by category. Because items were easier to find, nosotros placed fewer orders and saved 30% on function supplies year-over-year. I'm excited to bring my skills to this role."

Related: How to Respond Behavioral Interview Questions

10. Practice you lot have any regrets?

Employers might ask this question to become a cocky-assessment on possible shortcomings in your life. To answer this question, you might cull to say that you do not have any regrets in life for a certain reason. Be sure to permit them know that y'all have made mistakes, you take learned from them to become better. If not, you might select a regret or shortcoming that is both professional and would not hinder your ability to perform the job in whatever manner.

Example: "I practice ever wish I had known what I wanted to exercise very early in my career. Having more years to grow and accelerate would help me be even amend at my job. However, I learned skills in my previous career that I wouldn't accept otherwise learned that help my in me in my job today."

11. Tell me about yourself

Employers will probable ask this question early on in the interview process, or yous might accept to answer it in early-phase phone interviews or recruiter screens. To respond this question, you should provide a quick synopsis of your education, highlights of your professional person feel and achievements and what brought you to the position you're applying for.

Related: Interview Question: "Tell me about yourself"

12. What'due south your greatest accomplishment?

Employers might ask this question to empathize what you consider to be your most valuable accomplishments. To answer, think nearly a recent example that is ideally related to the job in some way. Briefly explicate the achievement, your part in it and why it is valuable to y'all.

Example: "Last yr, my squad won an award for most innovative process comeback. My role was to organize the team to brainstorm ways we could speed up the production process. We tested iii proven means and implemented the 1 that worked best for us. The change in processes decreased fourth dimension to production by 20%, allowing u.s. to double our output."

While some interview questions are common and expected, others may surprise yous. Information technology is of import to prepare as much as possible for unexpected scenarios. You can do this by preparing a few examples and asking others in your manufacture for unexpected questions they've been asked in interviews. You lot can also ask for a moment to come up with a thoughtful respond.

Lastly, information technology is also often difficult for many people to talk over bacon, just you should come prepared to hash out your pay expectations. If you're unsure nearly what salary is advisable to enquire for the position you're interviewing for, visit Indeed'southward Salary Calculator to go a complimentary, personalized pay range based on your location, industry and experience.


Source: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/interviewing/tough-interview-questions-and-answers

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